Sunday, August 7, 2011

~Custard Cocktail in the house~


This recipe is one of my family's favorite. The easiest dessert to be made. 
When Mama said that somebody is coming to our house, the first thing that comes in my mind is What will be the dessert?
*Light Bulb* How about custard cocktail? It's good, simple, done in a short time!! OK!!

That's how it goes...We had custard cocktail as out desert in yesterday's iftar. 

resipi hari ni adalah salah satu dari kegemaran keluarga timah. Pencuci mulut yang senang sgt nak buat!!
Bile mama cakap yang ade org nak datang umah, bende pertama yang timah pikir : Pemcuci mulut ape yang kite nak buat??
*ding,ding* Ape kate buat custard cocktail? Sedap, senang, cepat siap!! OK!!

Camtu la kalau orang datang. Smalam kitorg makan custard cocktail time buke.

I don't wanna babble too much., Here it goes:
Tak nak merapu byk2 la. hehehe...ok, ni resipinya:


Ingredients (bahan-bahan):

1 carton of fresh milk (1 kotak susu segar)
1/2 tin of sweeten beverage creamer (1/2 tin susu manis)
1 tin of condensed milk (1 tin susu cair)
1 tin of cocktail (1 tin cocktail)
2 or 3 tbsp of custard powder (mix with water or milk) (2 atau 3 sudu besar tepung custard yang dicampur dengan air)
fresh fruits (based on your choices) (Buah-buahan segar)

Directions (cara-cara):

1. Pour the milk, sweeten beverage creamer and condensed milk in a pot. Bring them to boil.
Tuang susu, susu manis dan susu cair dalam periuk. Didihkan.

2. Put in the water of the cocktail. Let it boils.
Masukkan air cocktail Didihkan lagi.

3. Pour in the custard powder and stir it continuously until its thicken.
Tuangkan bancuhan custard dan gaul berterusan sampai pekat.

4.Then, you can straightly put in all sorts of fruit from the cocktail tin and fresh fruits and cool it. OR you can cool the custard first and mix the fruits and the custard when you want to serve it.
Lepas tu, korang boleh masukkan terus segala macam buah dalam custard tu dan sejukkan. ATAU korang sejukkan custard tu dulu, dan bile nak hidang baru campurkan dengan buah-buahan.

~Let us try~
~Selamat Mencuba~

P/S: Yesterday, i whined to Mama as i have to cook for so many people for iftar. I was so tired. Then, Mama said:
"Sian anak Mama ni. Tapi kan timah. Banyak tau pahala yang timah dapat kalau jamu orang buka puasa. Best kan camtu."

Then, i suddenly remember one of hadith rasulullah stating about this:

Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang memberikan makan kepada orang yang berpuasa, maka baginya seperti pahala (orang yang berpuasa) dalam keadaan tidak berkurung sedikitpun dari pahala orang yang berpuasa itu.” (Hadis riwayat Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah dan ad-Darimi)

JACKPOT isn't it??^^

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